Jerry Porras – Author of “Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies(Good to Great, 2)”

Building Greatness: Lessons from Jerry Porras on Leadership, Purpose, and the Hero’s Journey

Mike interviews Jerry Porras.

Welcome back to another power-packed episode! Today, we’re diving into the wisdom shared by the legendary Jerry Porras, and trust me, this is a ride you don’t want to miss.


Jerry Porras focuses on unravelling the intricacies of constructing successful and enduring companies. It goes beyond merely leading an organization; Jerry emphasizes the burning ambition to construct something with lasting power, shifting the focus to establishing a legacy rather than opting for short-term gains.

He takes us on an extensive exploration of leadership that transcends conventional norms. Beyond being the charismatic figure in the limelight, it’s about evolving into the organizational architect, laying the groundwork for greatness. This isn’t a solitary performance; it’s a symphony where each individual plays a pivotal role.

The significance of a clear purpose and core values is underscored. These aren’t mere buzzwords; they serve as the guiding compass navigating the company through turbulent waters. More than slogans on a poster, they represent the organization’s DNA. For entrepreneurs, the goal is not solely monetary; it’s about making a meaningful contribution aligned with a core purpose that sparks passion.

Hold tight as Jerry introduces the Cruise Line analogy. Envision a ship where every age group discovers their happy place. It transcends selling a product; it’s about crafting an experience, a voyage that leaves every passenger with a smile. While Walt Disney may not have envisioned a cruise line, the essence of creating joy persists, constituting the magical ingredient.

The “money-first” mentality is sharply contrasted. It’s not just about financial gains; it’s about constructing something that endures, becoming interwoven with people’s lives. Building greatness is not a sprint; it’s a marathon.

Leadership styles take center stage, and Jerry unveils a revelation. It’s not about conforming to a specific mould; it’s about unwavering focus on building the company. Whether autocratic, democratic, or participative, the key lies in a commitment to the purpose and core values. The magic resides in constructing an organization that outlasts any individual leader.

Mike Fallat and Jerry Porras talk about the book Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies(Good to Great, 2)

Jerry shares the remarkable tale of a shoe salesman founding General Electric. Surprising, isn’t it? It’s not always about technical expertise; it’s about the fervent desire to build something extraordinary. Leadership isn’t a one-size-fits-all garment; it involves recognizing and aligning individual strengths with a greater purpose.

Ultimately, it all funnels down to the journey of self-actualization. Whether you’re the entrepreneurial genius or the next in line to lead, it’s about creating an environment for everyone to self-actualize. As Jerry aptly phrases it, it’s not only about self-actualizing; it’s about providing opportunities for others to do the same. So, as you plunge into the entrepreneurial sea, remember Jerry Porras’s insights. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey and the people you bring along. Build with purpose, lead with vision, and witness your legacy taking form.

Get his book here:

About Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat, aka The BookMan, is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency. They have helped 300+ entrepreneurs become bestselling authors. His goal is to help 1,000 entrepreneurs publish books and teach them how to use their books as a gateway to generating 7-figures.

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About Dreamstarters Publishing

Dreamstarters Publishing offers ghostwriting, cover design, and everything that is required to take an idea to a finished book (kindle, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook).

The Million Dollar Book Agency is the ultimate marketing CRM system for author-preneurs. Services include automated funnels, lead generation campaigns, book fulfillment, podcast management, press releases, virtual assistants, course development, and more.

Mike also hosts a podcast known as Million Dollar Stories and runs a membership-based site known as Million Dollar Circle. In addition to owning the book business, he invests in self storage real estate.

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