Janelle Brittain – Author of “How To Say It Performance Reviews: Phrases and Strategies for Painless and Productive Performance Reviews”

Mastering Communication: Leadership Insights with Janelle Brittain

Mike interviews Janelle Brittain.

If you want to be a top-tier entrepreneur, you’ve got to master the art of communication. That’s not a suggestion; it’s a requirement. In a recent episode of Million Dollar Stories, We had the privilege of sitting down with Janelle Brittain, a powerhouse in leadership coaching and the author of How to Say It Performance Reviews: Phrases and Strategies for Painless and Productive Performance Reviews. If you’ve ever struggled with giving feedback or motivating your team, this episode will hit you right between the eyes in the best way possible.


Leadership isn’t just about telling people what to do. It’s about understanding why they do what they do and, more importantly, how you can guide them toward greatness. Janelle calls it the psychology of leadership. This means diving into both your own mind and the minds of your team members.

“To be a leader, you need to understand how minds work,” Janelle explained. “It’s a skill that can be learned.”

And let me tell you, that’s pure gold. She shared that entrepreneurs need to learn the psychological aspects of sales, leadership, and human interaction. Whether through books, hiring a coach, or simply being more intentional in your daily interactions, the goal is to improve your ability to motivate, inspire, and understand people.

One of the most impactful takeaways from our conversation was this: your words shape your reality. Janelle brought up a game-changing insight on how simple shifts in language can completely alter the outcomes of your interactions. She gave this example:

Instead of asking someone, “Why did you do that?” try asking, “What was your thought process as you were doing that?”

The first question puts people on the defensive. The second opens up the conversation and invites honesty. Think about that for a second. A straightforward tweak can mean the difference between conflict and collaboration. Janelle’s advice reminded me of a principle I’ve heard from Jordan Peterson: stop saying words that make you feel weak. Your words have power, whether it’s self-talk or how you communicate with others. The more intentional you are with them, the stronger you become as a leader.

Janelle shared a story about a man who attended one of her presentations. Afterward, he approached her and said, “Now I know why I don’t get along with my kids, but my wife does. I ask them ‘why’ questions, and she asks them ‘what’ and ‘how’ questions.”

That’s the kind of insight that can change your relationships overnight.

The word “why” often feels accusatory. It puts people in a mental corner, and when backed into a corner, they come out swinging. Conversely, “what” and “how” create an opening. They invite dialogue instead of resistance. It’s such a minor adjustment, but the results can be massive.

During our chat, Janelle emphasized the importance of coaching. And she’s not talking about someone who’ll just cheer you on. She’s talking about a coach who’ll help you work through the real-world challenges of leadership and communication. Someone who can give you insights like, “Oh, that’s why your team reacts that way,” or, “Here’s how you can shift your approach to get better results.”

As entrepreneurs, we’re all about ROI. Investing in your ability to communicate effectively with your team will pay dividends you can’t calculate. A coach can give you that practical edge, helping you tweak your words, your tone, and even your mindset to become the leader your team deserves.

Let’s face it: most of us dread performance reviews. They’re awkward, tense, and often feel more painful than productive. But Janelle’s book flips the script. How to Say It Performance Reviews is a guide to making these conversations tolerable and valuable. It’s packed with phrases and strategies to help you confidently navigate these discussions.

The book has over 159 reviews on Amazon, almost four stars or higher. That’s not just a success; that’s impact. If you’re an entrepreneur looking to improve your communication with your team, this book is a must-read.

Mike Fallat and Janelle Brittain talk about the book Janelle Brittain – Author of “How To Say It Performance Reviews: Phrases and Strategies for Painless and Productive Performance Reviews.”

Janelle’s insights don’t stop at performance reviews. She’s a speaker, a coach, and a trainer who’s helped countless leaders transform their communication styles. Whether it’s through in-house training or one-on-one coaching, she’s all about helping people become better leaders and communicators. If you want to connect with her, you can reach out at dynamicperformance.com.

And here’s a takeaway to tattoo on your entrepreneurial brain: your words are your tools. The more you master them, the more powerful your leadership becomes. As Janelle said, “Change your philosophy, approach, and what comes out of your mouth, and you’ll see real-world results.”

This episode of Million Dollar Stories was packed with actionable advice that will elevate your leadership game. If you’re serious about becoming a better communicator and leader, take Janelle’s insights to heart. And remember: a million-dollar book leads to a million-dollar life.

Live Free and Write On.

Get her book here:

About Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat, aka The BookMan, is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency. They have helped 300+ entrepreneurs become bestselling authors. His goal is to help 1,000 entrepreneurs publish books and teach them how to use their books as a gateway to generating 7-figures.

Visit website for more information: https://www.milliondollarbookagency.com/

About Dreamstarters Publishing

Dreamstarters Publishing offers ghostwriting, cover design, and everything that is required to take an idea to a finished book (kindle, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook).

The Million Dollar Book Agency is the ultimate marketing CRM system for author-preneurs. Services include automated funnels, lead generation campaigns, book fulfillment, podcast management, press releases, virtual assistants, course development, and more.

Mike also hosts a podcast known as Million Dollar Stories and runs a membership-based site known as Million Dollar Circle. In addition to owning the book business, he invests in self storage real estate.


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