Greg Crabtree – Author of “Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!: 4 Keys to Unlock Your Business Potential”

Unlocking Business Success with Simple Numbers: My Conversation with Greg Crabtree

Mike interviews Greg Crabtree.

In this episode of Million Dollar Stories, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Greg Crabtree, who’s spent his life cracking the code on what makes businesses profitable, scalable, and, ultimately, sellable. His book, Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!, has become a must-read for entrepreneurs tired of the fluff and ready for accurate, hard-hitting strategies. Today, I want to dive into some of the key takeaways from our conversation and believe me, this is one of those episodes where every word was gold.

Greg Crabtree doesn’t sugarcoat anything—he’s straight to the point, and that’s precisely what business owners need. Too many people get lost in the weeds of complexity, but Greg brings it back to the basics: profitability, scalability, and optimization. Let’s unpack what we talked about.


One thing that stood out is Greg’s philosophy on labour strategy. Too many businesses are either spending too much or too little when it comes to labour. And guess what? Both approaches can screw you over if you’re not careful.

Greg breaks it down simply: “You can’t go expensive-expensive, and you can’t go cheap-cheap.” In other words, if you’re paying top dollar for direct labour, you better have a lean management team. On the flip side, if you’re getting your direct labour for cheap, you need a strong management team that can handle the gaps. It’s a balance. You can win with different plays, but those plays need to work together. That’s the kind of genius every entrepreneur needs to cultivate.

Think about it: we’ve all been there, trying to cut costs by going with the cheaper option, only to have things fall apart later. Or, on the flip side, hiring expensive talent and watching profits shrink because there weren’t suitable systems in place to make it worthwhile. Greg’s strategy is all about understanding that balance, and it’s something every growing business should consider.

Scaling is on every entrepreneur’s mind, so naturally, the conversation turned to that. But Greg’s response caught me off guard: “We are in a market that is not growing.”

Everyone’s been told to keep growing and scaling, and Greg hits us with a cold, hard truth. For the next 3 to 10 years, growth won’t come easy. This isn’t the participation trophy economy. You don’t just show up and win any more. You’ve got to punch your competitor in the mouth and take their market share if you want to grow.

Greg’s advice? Focus on optimization. Get your business as lean and efficient as possible. And when you see a competitor failing, that’s your chance to swoop in, take their market share, or even acquire them.

That message should hit home for every entrepreneur. You can’t sit back and expect the market to carry you. Now’s the time to be aggressive, optimize what you already have, and seize opportunities when others drop the ball.

One of the most exciting trends Greg mentioned is what he calls “tuck-in purchases.” These are small businesses, often under $3 million, where the owners are just burned out. They missed the window to sell for a high price and are now willing to let the business go for one times earnings or less. Some are even walking away just to get something out of it.

Industries like HVAC, construction, and IT services are ripe for these deals. You can pick up a solid business for a fraction of its actual value and turn it into a cash-flowing machine with a bit of optimization. But here’s the key: You have to start the conversation. These owners aren’t going to come to you. You’ve got to sit down with them, have that cup of coffee, and say, “If you’re ready to walk away, let’s talk.”

Greg’s advice here is gold. You’re not just building your own business—you’re acquiring assets and creating wealth through strategic plays. You just have to be willing to make those connections.

As the conversation continued, we touched on a critical topic for long-term success—recurring revenue. Greg’s a big advocate of it, and for good reason. When you shift your business from one-time transactions to a model where you’re getting paid month after month, you’re setting yourself up for consistent, scalable income.

Think about it: Would you rather chase a thousand one-time sales or lock in 100 recurring clients who pay you every month? It’s a no-brainer. This isn’t just about making money faster; it’s about creating systems that allow your business to grow sustainably, serve customers better, and dominate the marketplace.

Greg summed up his approach with this line: “My word for now for entrepreneurs is optimization with opportunistic growth.” It’s about getting the most out of what you’ve built while keeping your eyes open for those ample opportunities to scale.

That might mean focusing on tightening internal processes, cutting unnecessary expenses, and balancing cash flow. But it also means being ready to strike when the right deal comes along—whether it’s acquiring a smaller competitor, launching a new product, or expanding into a new market.

Mike Fallat and Greg Crabtree talk about the book Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!: 4 Keys to Unlock Your Business Potential.

Greg Crabtree’s Simple Numbers approach is a game-changer for entrepreneurs who are serious about success. Whether you’re running a $500K business or scaling to $5 million, the principles in his book are essential. It’s all about understanding your numbers, optimizing labor, and positioning your business for success in a tougher-than-ever market.

If you haven’t read Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits!, grab a copy. The insights will change the way you approach your business. This isn’t about just making money—it’s about creating something that lasts, something scalable, and ultimately, something sellable.

Now’s the time to optimize, to get lean and mean, and to keep your eyes wide open for opportunities. The market might not be growing like it used to, but that’s where the real players step up, take control, and build million-dollar legacies.

Get his book here:

About Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat, aka The BookMan, is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency. They have helped 300+ entrepreneurs become bestselling authors. His goal is to help 1,000 entrepreneurs publish books and teach them how to use their books as a gateway to generating 7-figures.

Visit website for more information:

About Dreamstarters Publishing

Dreamstarters Publishing offers ghostwriting, cover design, and everything that is required to take an idea to a finished book (kindle, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook).

The Million Dollar Book Agency is the ultimate marketing CRM system for author-preneurs. Services include automated funnels, lead generation campaigns, book fulfillment, podcast management, press releases, virtual assistants, course development, and more.

Mike also hosts a podcast known as Million Dollar Stories and runs a membership-based site known as Million Dollar Circle. In addition to owning the book business, he invests in self storage real estate.

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