Dr. Matthew R. Kerzner – Author of “L’dor V’dor: Generation to Generation: Succession Planning In Family Businesses: Owners’ Practices and Perceptions”

Unraveling the Secrets of Succession Planning with Dr. Matthew R. Kerzner

Mike interviews Dr. Matthew R. Kerzner.

In entrepreneurship, there’s a buzz about Dr. Matthew R. Kerzner and his groundbreaking book, L’dor V’dor: Generation to Generation: Succession Planning In Family Businesses. Dive into the conversation as Dr. Kerzner shares insights on the crucial topic of succession planning from a unique vantage point.


Picture this scenario: You’re a business owner navigating the highs and lows of building your empire. But have you pondered what happens beyond your tenure? How can you ensure the continuity of your hard work and vision? Dr. Kerzner steps onto the scene, offering profound perspectives on the intricacies of succession planning.

Delving deep into the essence of family businesses, Dr. Kerzner shines a spotlight on the pivotal concept of organizational health. He distills it into three fundamental pillars: business development, operational efficiency, and people development. After all, a business’s strength lies in its robust foundation.

In the conversation, Dr. Kerzner unveils the common challenges entrepreneurs face, ranging from burnout to the daunting task of passing the baton to the next generation. He shares intriguing trends observed, such as the reluctance of first-generation owners to relinquish control and the hurdles encountered in transitioning specific industries.

But fear not, aspiring entrepreneurs, for Dr. Kerzner doesn’t merely diagnose the issues. He provides actionable remedies that can propel you toward sustained success. From formulating a comprehensive transition and exit strategy to nurturing high-potential employees, he charts a course toward long-term prosperity.

Mike Fallat and Dr. Matthew R. Kerzner talk about the book L’dor V’dor: Generation to Generation: Succession Planning In Family Businesses: Owners’ Practices and Perceptions.

Dr. Kerzner imparts wisdom through his book recommendations, featuring timeless classics like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Jump by Steve Harvey. These books aren’t just about business; they’re about unleashing your full potential and crafting a life of fulfillment.

Yet, perhaps the most inspiring facet of the conversation is Dr. Kerzner’s unwavering faith in the entrepreneurial spirit. He reminds us that success transcends monetary gains; it’s about pursuing our passions and leaving behind a legacy that echoes through the ages.

So, if you’re poised to elevate your business and cement your legacy, don’t miss the chance to explore Dr. Matthew R. Kerzner’s book, L’dor V’dor: Generation to Generation: Succession Planning In Family Businesses. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

Get his book here:

About Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat, aka The BookMan, is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency. They have helped 300+ entrepreneurs become bestselling authors. His goal is to help 1,000 entrepreneurs publish books and teach them how to use their books as a gateway to generating 7-figures.

Visit website for more information: https://www.milliondollarbookagency.com/

About Dreamstarters Publishing

Dreamstarters Publishing offers ghostwriting, cover design, and everything that is required to take an idea to a finished book (kindle, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook).

The Million Dollar Book Agency is the ultimate marketing CRM system for author-preneurs. Services include automated funnels, lead generation campaigns, book fulfillment, podcast management, press releases, virtual assistants, course development, and more.

Mike also hosts a podcast known as Million Dollar Stories and runs a membership-based site known as Million Dollar Circle. In addition to owning the book business, he invests in self storage real estate.


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