Carl J. Schramm – Author of “Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do”

Burn the Business Plan: Carl J. Schramm on What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do

Mike interviews Carl J. Schramm.

In the latest episode of Million Dollar Stories, Carl J. Schramm breaks down the powerful insights from his book, “Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do. This conversation isn’t for those looking for cookie-cutter advice—it’s for the hustlers, the risk-takers, and anyone tired of being told that success starts with a fancy business plan. Schramm delivers brutal truths about entrepreneurship and shatters myths holding people back for too long.

If you think you need a perfect business plan to build something meaningful, this episode will shake things up. The truth is, success isn’t about planning—it’s about acting. And the sooner people realize that, the faster they’ll move toward building something real.


Business schools love to promote the idea that every great business starts with a detailed plan. But Carl clarifies that the most successful entrepreneurs don’t follow plans—they adapt. The business world isn’t some perfectly controlled lab experiment. It’s chaotic, unpredictable, and full of surprises.

“Entrepreneurs write their script as they go,” Carl said, and that’s the bottom line.

Planning can feel safe, but it’s just a form of procrastination. The second you hit the market, the plan goes out the window. The ones who succeed are the ones who keep moving forward, adjusting on the fly. Entrepreneurs live in the real world, where customers, competition, and chaos reign. A plan is just a starting point—the actions you take that matter most.

Forget the myth that entrepreneurship is only for 20-somethings living in their parents’ basements. Carl’s research shows that the average age of a successful entrepreneur is 45. That’s right—experience, hard-earned lessons, and even past failures are assets, not obstacles.

He makes a robust case: It’s never too late to build something great. Society loves to push the narrative that entrepreneurship belongs to the young. Still, real-world data says otherwise. People with a few battle scars build many of the best businesses. Life experience gives them an edge—they know how to pivot, persevere, and cut through the noise.

So, if you think the window on your dreams has closed, think again. The best time to start is whenever you’re ready to go all in.

Ideas alone don’t mean a thing. Carl bluntly said, “There are a million great ideas that never see the light of day. Execution is what separates dreamers from entrepreneurs.”

This is where so many people get stuck. They overthink, over plan, and overanalyze until the moment passes. Meanwhile, the ones who take action—messy, imperfect action—are the ones who create momentum and build something real. The idea doesn’t have to be perfect. What matters is getting started.

Schramm’s philosophy is simple: Start small, test fast, and iterate. You don’t need a six-figure investment or a flashy launch. You need a product, a customer, and the guts to figure things out as you go.

One of Carl’s most powerful insights is that entrepreneurs thrive in uncertainty. Too many people wait for perfect conditions, but business is not guaranteed. Successful people embrace risk, make smart bets, and learn to navigate the unknown.

Carl gave examples of entrepreneurs who launched businesses in the worst economic conditions and still found success. They didn’t wait for the stars to align—they made it happen. Timing isn’t everything—action is.

Carl didn’t hold back when discussing the limitations of business schools. He argued that entrepreneurship isn’t something you can learn in a classroom—it’s learned in the field. Schools teach you how to manage existing businesses, not how to create new ones.

“Entrepreneurship is about freedom, not formulas,” Carl said, and that perfectly captures the spirit of this episode. Success comes from doing, failing, and adapting—not following someone else’s playbook.

Mike Fallat and Carl J. Schramm talk about the book Burn the Business Plan: What Great Entrepreneurs Really Do.

The truth is, most of what makes an entrepreneur great cannot be taught—it has to be lived.

Here’s the core takeaway from this episode: Stop waiting for the perfect plan, the ideal time, or the perfect opportunity. Just start. Burn the business plan, take that first step, and figure the rest out as you go.

Carl J. Schramm’s message in Burn the Business Plan is a wake-up call for anyone sitting on the sidelines. Success doesn’t come to those who wait—it comes to those who act. The world belongs to the doers, not the planners.

If you’re ready to ditch the excuses, face uncertainty head-on, and build something meaningful, this conversation is exactly what you need. Listen to the full episode of Million Dollar Stories and let Carl’s insights light a fire under you.

Because at the end of the day, the only plan you need is the one that gets you started.

Get his book here:

About Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat, aka The BookMan, is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency. They have helped 300+ entrepreneurs become bestselling authors. His goal is to help 1,000 entrepreneurs publish books and teach them how to use their books as a gateway to generating 7-figures.

Visit website for more information:

About Dreamstarters Publishing

Dreamstarters Publishing offers ghostwriting, cover design, and everything that is required to take an idea to a finished book (kindle, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook).

The Million Dollar Book Agency is the ultimate marketing CRM system for author-preneurs. Services include automated funnels, lead generation campaigns, book fulfillment, podcast management, press releases, virtual assistants, course development, and more.

Mike also hosts a podcast known as Million Dollar Stories and runs a membership-based site known as Million Dollar Circle. In addition to owning the book business, he invests in self storage real estate.

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