Nick Lavery – Author of “Objective Secure: The Battle-Tested Guide to Goal Achievement”

Unleashing the Warrior Mentality: A Deep Dive into Nick Lavery’s “Objective Secure”

Mike interviews Nick Lavery.

In this recent episode of Million Dollar Stories, the spotlight was placed on Nick Lavery, a true warrior both on and off the battlefield. He’s not just a Green Beret — he’s a man with a mission, and his book Objective Secure: The Battle-Tested Guide to Goal Achievement is a direct reflection of his unbreakable spirit and relentless drive.

Nick’s story is about resilience, transformation, and the kind of mindset that can take you from surviving to thriving, whether you’re facing combat or conquering everyday life and business. If you’re serious about leveling up in any aspect of your life, this episode — and Nick’s book — will give you the gut check you need.


Nick didn’t always know he wanted to be a soldier. Like many of us, he was looking for something that gave him a sense of purpose and strength. He grew up feeling small and insecure, trying to figure out his place in the world. But when 9/11 happened, everything changed for him. The attack didn’t just shake the country; it shook something profound inside Nick. It gave him a reason to fight.

At first, he stayed in school, trying to finish his degree, but the pull to serve grew stronger. He wasn’t looking for a lifelong career in the military — just an opportunity to do something meaningful, to stand tall, and contribute. But life, as it often does, had bigger plans for him. He found his way to the Army Special Forces and discovered that not only was he cut out for it, but it also tapped into a part of him he didn’t know existed.

It wasn’t the action-hero image of the Green Berets that attracted him. It was the challenge, the brotherhood, and the belief that his athleticism and drive could be used for something bigger than himself. “I wanted to be feared and respected,” Nick said, and let’s be honest, that’s something we all get. Who doesn’t want to command that kind of presence?

Nick’s journey took him through years of elite military service and eventually to the realization that the principles he learned on the battlefield apply just as much to life, business, and leadership as they do in combat.

One of the most powerful takeaways from our conversation was how the elite mindset of Special Forces soldiers applies to every aspect of life. Whether you’re building a business, leading a team, or just trying to get through your day-to-day grind, the principles are the same: mission focus, adaptability, and trusting the people around you.

Nick’s words on teamwork hit home: “You can’t win alone.” Special Forces know this truth better than anyone. In the military, your survival depends on the strength of your team, and in business, your success depends on the people you surround yourself with. You might start as a solo act, but if you want to scale, you need a team you can trust to accomplish the mission.

This is where a lot of entrepreneurs trip up. You’ve got to be humble enough to empower others and let them take the reins in areas where they excel. Nick explained it perfectly: “In the Green Berets, you’ve got to trust your team with your life. In business, you’ve got to trust them with your livelihood.” The stakes might be different, but the mindset is precisely the same.

Nick and I dove deep into fear. Fear is a constant companion if you’re in the entrepreneurial game or looking to achieve any significant goals. That nagging feeling hits when you’re about to take a risk, put yourself on the line, or dive into the unknown. But Nick has faced a different level of fear — the life-or-death kind.

What makes his approach powerful is that he doesn’t run from fear. He embraces it, leans into it, and uses it as fuel. Fear, according to Nick, is a tool. It’s something to be harnessed. But the key is emotional control. When the pressure’s on, whether in combat or life, the ability to stay calm and make logical decisions sets the winners apart.

Fear isn’t about avoiding failure. Nick made it clear that fear is tied to the possibility of regret for him. “The fear of regret,” he said, “scares me more than the fear of failure.” Let that sink in. This isn’t just about missing out on an opportunity; it’s about looking back and wishing you’d done things differently.

That’s a lesson anyone can take to heart. Whether you’re about to start a business, thinking of scaling up or making a significant personal move, fear can either hold you back or propel you forward. The choice is yours, but you’d be wise to use it like Nick does — as fuel for greatness.

The conversation wrapped up with something that should hit home for anyone who’s ever thought about what legacy they want to leave behind. For Nick, becoming a father shifted his perspective on what it means to leave a legacy. Before, it was about doing things people would remember him for after he was gone. Now, it’s about what his kids will think of him and the values he passes on.

Mike Fallat and Nick Lavery talk about the book Objective Secure: The Battle-Tested Guide to Goal Achievement.

Nick’s transition from the battlefield to business is about applying the lessons he learned as a warrior to help others succeed. That’s what Objective Secure is all about. The battles we face in business, relationships, and life are just as real as those fought in combat, and the skills needed to win those battles are the same.

Having a warrior mentality comes down to getting the mission done. Whether running a business, leading a team, or simply trying to live your best life, the goal is always the same — set your target, prepare for battle, and execute with relentless focus.

If you haven’t picked up a copy of Nick Lavery’s Objective Secure yet, you’re missing out on a battle-tested guide that will help you crush your goals, no matter your field. Time to start thinking like a warrior and use that mindset to win your personal battles.

Get his book here:

About Mike Fallat

Mike Fallat, aka The BookMan, is the owner of Dreamstarters Publishing and the Million Dollar Book Agency. They have helped 300+ entrepreneurs become bestselling authors. His goal is to help 1,000 entrepreneurs publish books and teach them how to use their books as a gateway to generating 7-figures.

Visit website for more information:

About Dreamstarters Publishing

Dreamstarters Publishing offers ghostwriting, cover design, and everything that is required to take an idea to a finished book (kindle, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook).

The Million Dollar Book Agency is the ultimate marketing CRM system for author-preneurs. Services include automated funnels, lead generation campaigns, book fulfillment, podcast management, press releases, virtual assistants, course development, and more.

Mike also hosts a podcast known as Million Dollar Stories and runs a membership-based site known as Million Dollar Circle. In addition to owning the book business, he invests in self storage real estate.

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